Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Compliance issues and data breaches are very common in the workplace. Using a trusted, NAID Triple AAA Certified Vendor will allow your company to be protected from data breaches of personal and client information.
Below are a few questions and concerns that Shred Experts LLC customers commonly ask. While many questions are listed below, please feel free to reach out to our team and they will be happy to assist you.
"What is NAID Triple AAA Certification?"
The National Association of Information Destruction offers shredding companies the opportunity to pass a series of testing, and auditing to confirm they're following best practices within the industry. Shred Experts has been a proud member who upholds this certification since 2007. All staff members are tested regarding mandatory protocol within the industry, given drug screenings, and consistency learn best practices while destroying confidential materials.
"Is your locked equipment given to routine customers actually free?"
Locked security equipment is the property of Shred Experts and customers will commit to routine service with a minimum service fee to receive free equipment. While their is a minimum service fee, the cost of security equipment is substantially greater than the cost of our services when individually purchased.
"How long do I need to hold on to documents before they can be shredded?"
Every industry varies. Check out this awesome article to determine what industry your business or information falls under:
"Does Shred Experts ever offer off-site shredding?"
Shred Experts is exclusively an on-site, mobile document destruction company.

CSR Readiness Pro Suite powered by:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is CSR Readiness Pro?
The Readiness Pro comprises the patent-pending risk assessment program CSR Readiness and the award winning CSR Breach Reporting Service™
How does the CSR Readiness Program work?
CSR Readiness Program is an on-line self-assessment tool that helps you review, revise and revisit your business processes for handling the personally identifiable information (PII) of your customers, employees and vendors, as required by a host of legislation and regulations.
A dashboard will show progress and generate tasks to improve compliance. You can improve your business risk scores by remediation and implementation of further program offerings. Upon successful completion of the analysis and remediation, your business will earn a Certificate of Completion and the ID Stay Safe Digital Seal that you can use on your website and advertising.
What does the Certificate of Completion signify?
Once you have completed the self-assessment evaluation and implemented the remediation tasks, you will be awarded the Certificate of Completion. This can be placed on your website and is valid for one year from date of issue. By annually revisiting your self-assessment, you can maintain this Certificate of Completion.
What does CSR Breach Reporting Service do for me?
In the event of the actual or suspected breach of PII, the CSR Breach Reporting Service reports to authorities and notifies consumers, as required. Your call to the in-house CSR team of privacy professionals initiates a custom evaluation of your incident to determine if authorities and consumers must be notified. CSR files the necessary breach reports on your behalf, and consumer notification can be prepared with your input.
Why do businesses need this Pro?
Many state, federal and international laws require businesses to protect the personally identifiable information (PII) of employees, vendors and customers. Penalties for noncompliance can include fines, prosecution and even jail time. Massachusetts and Connecticut are just two examples of many jurisdictions that require businesses that deal with their residents to maintain comprehensive risk assessment, remediation and monitoring programs related to their handling of legally protected PII.
If organizations don’t have this program, what could happen?
While it’s impossible to completely avoid a breach due to uncontrollable circumstances, 97% of breaches could have been prevented. Accidents, errors and theft are just a few ways that information is compromised. Smart devices and wireless services compound the problem. Proactive detection and correction can go a long way to prevent loss and further fallout due to reputation damage, lost sales, fines, lawsuits and prosecution.
The Department of Homeland Security, the FTC, Visa and the BBB encourage businesses to protect consumer data and plan ahead to reduce risk. All states have laws that protect their residents who might be your customers, employees or vendors. Many laws specifically require creation and maintenance of information security programs. These laws include penalties for noncompliance.